Saturday, August 29, 2009

finding our feet.

made with love. is a small business that is in the process of being set up by two girls, karlie and dani, which will start off specialising in cute kids' pj's, tutus for the aspiring little ballerinas, and cupcake design for your special occasions.

we are currently in high school, so the business is starting slowly, with an aim to launch our range of kids' clothing at the november caringbah markets, after the end of the HSC. the cupcake designs will hopefully follow shortly after.

this blog will be used to show examples of our work, and keep any interested customers up-to-date with our current progress, ideas and developments.

so, watch this space! you can subscribe to our RSS feed, and we will keep you posted about any new ideas we have for our products, and continually update the site with images of the handiwork we have produced.

thanks, k&d.


  1. Hello Girls!
    I'm a "scrappy"friend of Di's and came here to wish you two the BEST of luck! You're obviously talented, organized and motivated so success shall come your way! BRAVO.

  2. Wow what a great idea girls.....very creative and innovative. You will have no spare time soon as I think you may have found a real niche!!!Good on you both and I'll be keeping an eye on your blog!! Robyn

    PS Nice photos Di and what gorgeous little models!!!
